We get it. You have been in a bit of a slump lately. Your New Year’s resolutions may have taken a back seat to National Pancake Day, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get back on track for a little “spring training”. Whether you are training for a race or simply want to get into better shape, these three full-body tune up tools will propel you out of your winter slump.
- Chiropractic Care While many people think of chiropractic care as something you do when you are in pain, it is also an ideal way to fine tune the way your body functions. Think of it this way. You get an oil change on your car according to the manufacturer’s instructions in order to prevent costly engine problems. Chiropractic care fine tunes your body’s nervous system before problems arise. If you haven’t been to our office lately, it is time to schedule an appointment for a little regular maintenance.
- Fine Tune the Diet Even if you honored your goal to eat healthier in the new year, it is not too late to make some adjustments to the way you are eating. Spring marks the beginning of better, local produce. Try adding ramps, scallions, asparagus, or strawberries to your regular diet to stay energized and feeling great. Even adding one more serving of vegetables or fruits in a day will give you the vitamins and minerals you need to stay healthy.
- Head Outside Daylight Saving Time means the darkish mornings will soon give way to early sunrises. Swap your evening workout for a sunrise run. Spend time meditating outdoors. Go for a hike. Studies have linked a lack of vitamin D, the vitamin produced by the body when exposed to sunlight, to depression and obesity. Not only will spending time outside lift your mood, it may even help you lose weight.
Even though it feels like spring sprang in the middle of winter, now is the ideal time to clear out your closets, throw open those windows, and spend a little time tuning up your body before the summer swim suit season strikes!
Call Sandstone or schedule your comprehensive exam with x-rays online.