The Sandstone Chiropractic Blog

The Truth About Healthcare Expenses

Healthcare costs seem to be on a steady increase and frankly, that’s pretty scary.

High healthcare costs prevent people from seeking treatment or even preventive care.

Sandstone Chiropractic is a little different though. We believe that healthcare is an investment, especially preventive healthcare.

The Real Cost of Healthcare

Neglecting your health can have dire consequences. You could have a chronic condition that could go undetected for years. By the time it is discovered, the damage is done. Preventive healthcare like wellness checks and regular chiropractic care allows you to stay ahead of many conditions and gives you a much better chance at early detection if something is awry.

In the long run, this saves money, but it also saves something far more valuable – lives.

The CDC reports that chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer are responsible for 70% of deaths in the U.S. They can also often be avoided if the person is getting regular preventive care.

The real cost of healthcare is death, often early death. Preventive healthcare can help allay that dire cost. Healthcare is an expense that you can’t afford to ignore.

An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure

Researchers have found that preventive healthcare has the potential to save around $3.7 billion.

What’s more, nearly 40% of deaths in the U.S. are completely preventable and could be averted by such simple measures as decreasing the use of tobacco or taking a walk several times a week.

Getting regular chiropractic care can reduce the number of hospital visits a person makes by as much as 60% and reduce pharmaceutical costs by as much as 85%.

What this means is that if you aren’t going to the hospital or buying medication because your chiropractic care has eliminated the need for it, you are saving money on co-pays and other health-related expenses. That’s money in YOUR pocket instead of someone else.

The savings don’t stop there though. Treating your lower back pain with regular chiropractic care is 40% more effective than traditional medical care. So, not only are you saving money because you don’t need medication and don’t need to go to the hospital, but you are also in better health. Staying ahead of the game puts you in better control of your health.

Insurance and Finance Options Work for Wellness Too

Even with all the facts and figures, people still cite healthcare costs as one of the top reasons they don’t seek treatment or care. And if we’re going to be completely honest, it makes sense.

Healthcare is expensive. Sandstone is a little different though. We give you options.

We are in-network with many insurance companies, and we work with HSA and FSA programs as well.

If you don’t have insurance, or if your insurance is not part of Sandstone’s network, we have very affordable prices that fit most budgets. You can’t put a price on your health.

Regular healthcare and preventive care are investments in your life, but so much more. They are an investment in your family, your loved ones, the people you touch – today and in the future. It has a wide net that reaches far.

And worth every penny. YOU are worth every penny.

Invest in your health by scheduling an appointment with us today. We will help you figure out your best financial options and get you started on your way to better health and better quality of life.



Sandstone Chiropractic

Serving patients in the North Houston Area, we prioritize compassionate, authentic care with state-of-the-art techniques, focusing on sustainable health without unnecessary interventions. See our Locations >

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