The Sandstone Chiropractic Blog

Chiropractic in the Workplace: Google Does It, Why Not You?


Chiropractic in the Workplace: Google Does It, Why Not You?

Chiropractic care has caught on, in a big way, for some of the savviest companies out there. 

You may know Google, Apple and Facebook for being on top of their game in their industries. But you may not be aware that these three companies are also on top of their game when it comes to employee health care benefits. One of the coolest benefits each of these leading companies offers is on-site chiropractic care for their employees.

That’s right. Google, Apple and Facebook all have on-site health clinics where workers can head for a little chiropractic TLC whenever they need it. And those sitting around all day in desk jobs may certainly need it!

Chiropractic Catches On

But this isn’t meant to bash desk jobs. It’s instead meant to point out that chiropractic care has caught on, in a big way, for some of the savviest companies out there. Such companies have caught on to chiropractic care not because it’s the latest fashionable health craze.

They’ve caught on because they’ve come to realize the positive impact chiropractic care can have on health and well-being. Optimum health and well-being, in turn, results in optimum work performance and fewer sick days, which can cost companies and workers billions each year.

While the main aim of chiropractic care is to keep the spine healthy and aligned, it comes with a bevy of additional benefits. Regular chiropractic care keeps the nervous system in top condition, enhances the immune system, and makes the body less susceptible to injury and illness.

And you don’t have to run off seeking a job at Google, Apple or Facebook to get it, either. Call Sandstone or schedule your comprehensive exam with x-rays online.

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