Anyone who has suffered from back pain knows it can be a real pain in the neck. But what you may not know is that your back pain can actually stem from issues with your neck – or even your hips or habits.
In other words, the back pain you’re feeling may not actually begin in your back. At Sandstone Chiropractic, our job is to ferret out and alleviate the root cause of any pain or discomfort. And we’ve seen plenty of cases where back pain starts in areas other than the back. We’ve outline a few of the most common below.
Text Neck
The habit of constantly peering down at smartphones and tablets results in the painful condition known as “text neck.” The downward tilt of the head over-stretches tissues and muscles, places increased weight on the cervical spine, and can eventually lead to spinal misalignment and back pain. While teens and the younger set are at higher risk for text neck, the condition is quickly becoming an epidemic across the board.
Hip Misalignment
Low back pain can often stem from misaligned hips, a condition that makes you feel as if you’re taking uneven steps. Your hips may become misaligned due to weak muscles in your back, core or pelvic area. You can additionally contribute to the misalignment with poor posture, non-supportive shoes or by consistently carrying a heavy bag on one side of your body.
Prolonged Sitting
Sitting for extended periods compresses the spine and increases the stress on your back, legs, arms and neck – all of which can lead to back pain. Getting up and moving around at least once every hour can help, as can using an ergonomic chair, keyboard, mouse pad and workspace.
Regardless if your back pain actually stems from your neck, hips, habits or even your back, Sandstone Chiropractic is here to help. Our approach involves alleviating the pain as well as the root cause of it, which can often be achieved with spinal alignment and recommendations from our chiropractor. Call Sandstone or schedule your comprehensive exam with x-rays online.