Inside Insights: Discover the Keys to Lasting Health
Your body is your greatest asset, helping you navigate life every day. But often, the root of pain or discomfort lies beneath the surface, hidden from view. At Sandstone Chiropractic, we’ve spent decades studying how the human body functions. With our expertise and advanced technology, we provide you with insights into what’s really happening beneath the surface.
Discover how you can achieve fast, lasting relief with the latest in chiropractic treatments and techniques. Visit our blog to learn more about your body, how it works, and how Sandstone Chiropractic can help you feel your best.
December 22, 2022
When many people think of chiropractic they think of a doctor who treats neck and back pain. The truth is, chiropractors can treat many other conditions. […]
March 2, 2022
It was the ancient Romans who initially found and named the 5 cardinal signs of inflammation. These are: calor (heat) rubor (redness) tumor (swelling) dolor (pain) and […]
January 25, 2022
It is tough living with pain. It can have a significant impact on your quality of life. All too often though, the only option given for […]
January 10, 2022
Living with chronic pain is a concept that most people don’t understand unless they experience it firsthand. It touches every part of your life; your relationships, […]
February 24, 2021
Everyone has had that moment where they are a little unsteady or off-balance. For many that feeling passes very quickly. There are those though who have […]
January 28, 2021
Knee pain is a common problem for many people. This can be due to injury, aging, and overuse. Knowing your options and understanding not only what […]
August 18, 2020
The only thing better than reclaiming your health after an illness or injury is preventing a health problem in the first place. Here’s why we believe […]
June 13, 2019
There are thousands of self-help books about “finding balance”. Most talk about taking time for yourself, spending quality time unplugged, and finding your inner peace. But […]
June 6, 2019
There are approximately 700,000 total knee replacement surgeries performed every year in the US. In every case, surgeons replace the knee joint with artificial parts to relieve pain, […]
June 4, 2018
Let’s get one thing straight… We love surgeons. Surgeons fix broken hearts, help transplanted organs find their new home, mend shattered bones, and do a thousand […]
November 30, 2017
As the largest joint in the body, your knees are subject to all sorts of abuse. Consider how many times in a day you sit down, […]
November 6, 2017
One of the first nursery rhymes a child learns is “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes.” In an effort to teach the names of key body parts, […]