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The Sandstone Chiropractic Blog

Inside Insights: Discover the Keys to Lasting Health

Your body is your greatest asset, helping you navigate life every day. But often, the root of pain or discomfort lies beneath the surface, hidden from view. At Sandstone Chiropractic, we’ve spent decades studying how the human body functions. With our expertise and advanced technology, we provide you with insights into what’s really happening beneath the surface.

Discover how you can achieve fast, lasting relief with the latest in chiropractic treatments and techniques. Visit our blog to learn more about your body, how it works, and how Sandstone Chiropractic can help you feel your best.

December 20, 2024

Personalized Care vs. Chain Chiropractic Clinics: The Sandstone Difference

Imagine walking into a bustling chain chiropractic clinic where you’re just another appointment in a packed schedule. The care is standardized, the treatments are generic, and […]
July 12, 2023

Can Chiropractic Help “Text Neck”?

Technology is great. Because of it we have tremendous access to almost endless information, can communicate with people in real-time all over the globe, and track […]
June 20, 2023

How Abdominal Muscles Are Important for Better Back Health

Your abs are more than just a six-pack. Abdominal muscles have several very important jobs in the body like regulating abdominal pressure internally so that organs […]
April 12, 2023

Beyond Back Pain: 7 Conditions Chiropractic Can Help

The role that chiropractic plays in relieving and managing back pain is well-documented – and well-known. What some patients may not realize is that chiropractic care […]
December 22, 2022

What Conditions Do Chiropractors Treat?

When many people think of chiropractic they think of a doctor who treats neck and back pain. The truth is, chiropractors can treat many other conditions. […]
September 23, 2022

Tips for Managing Neuropathy Naturally

Neuropathy is a condition caused by dysfunction or damage affecting one or more nerves. Common symptoms of neuropathy include muscle weakness, numbness, pain, and tingling in […]
March 2, 2022

Ice vs. Heat for Injuries

It was the ancient Romans who initially found and named the 5 cardinal signs of inflammation. These are: calor (heat) rubor (redness) tumor (swelling) dolor (pain) and […]